Millerton Naturopathic Acupuncture, led by Dr. Brian Crouse, is a holistic healthcare practice offering naturopathic medicine and acupuncture services. Dr. Crouse is a licensed acupuncturist and registered herbalist, providing both telehealth and in-person consultations at his locations in Norwalk, CT and Millerton, NY. The practice focuses on promoting health and wellness through natural remedies and treatments, emphasizing the importance of nutrition and lifestyle choices in preventing and curing diseases.
With a team of dedicated practitioners, including a reiki practitioner and an esthetician, Millerton Naturopathic Acupuncture offers a range of services to support overall well-being. The practice believes in the power of love, nutrition, and natural remedies to heal the body and mind, and aims to provide evidence-based, personalized care to its patients. Whether it's addressing stress, trauma, autoimmune diseases, or providing natural alternatives for pain relief, Millerton Naturopathic Acupuncture is committed to helping individuals achieve optimal health and vitality.
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