Established in 1988, Alternatives For Children Aquebogue is a child daycare center, developmental preschool and nursery school. It strives to offer an exciting education program for young children, toddlers and kindergarteners. It offers full-day and half-day programs, educational technology class, music class, outdoor playground environment, NYS-certified Early Childhood/Special Education teachers and a full-time nurse on-staff.
Alternatives for Children is a NYS-approved Early Intervention evaluation and provider as well as a NYS-approved Preschool Special Education evaluator and provider. All classes are taught by NYS dually certified special education teachers who work with certified teaching assistants. Specially trained, licensed/certified therapists provide therapeutic services (speech, physical and occupational therapy) for young children. Additionally, social work and counseling services are provided by licensed/certified social workers and psychologists. Alternatives for Children has a student-to-staff ratio that meets or exceeds the requirements established by the New York State Department of Education of Office of Children and Family Services.