Now Accepting New Patients At Our Mid-town Location David A. Dunworth DO PC is a long time practicing General Surgeon. He values all of his current patients and looks forward to many new and referred patients. Dr. Dunworth performs surgery on abdominal organs, including the large and small intestines, stomach, and gallbladder. He does laparoscopic (minimally invasive) surgery, breast surgery (including lumpectomy and mastectomy) and hernias.Conditions Treated:* Appendicitis* Adhesions* Cancer* Colon Cancer* Gallbladder Problems* Ventral (incisional) Hernia* Inguinal Hernia* Intestinal Obstructions* Pyloric StenosisDr. Dunworth also did two years additional training in OMM (Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine). He does OMT (Osteopathic Manipulative Treatments) one day a week in his surgical practice.AOA & ACOS MemberEducation: Central Michigan, Mt Pleasant, MI.Professional Education: Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine/ A. T. Still University, Kirksville MO.Internship Program: Flint Osteopathic Hospital in Michigan Residency Program: Mount Clemens General Hospital in MichiganCall today to make your appointment.