Our mission is to lead children to Christ by providing quality learning experiences that will enrich children's lives in a loving and nurturing environment, we started the school in 2001 to accomplish this mission.
Our mission is to lead children to Christ by providing quality learning experiences that will enrich children's lives in a loving and nurturing environment. Children are a precious gift from God. All children are important and have the desire to learn. Our job is to determine how they learn best and provide that opportunity for them. Children learn by doing and by seeing what we, as adults, do. So, we will live each day with them in a manner that fosters their Christian development as well as their cognitive/language, motor, physical, psychological, and emotional development. All areas of learning are best integrated throughout the curriculum. We feel children learn best in an environment where they are involved in developmentally appropriate practices, as set by guidelines developed by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.