The Teaneck Municipal Building is home to the majority of government offices and services in the township. The Municipal Building is located on Teaneck Road, near the corner of Cedar Lane.
In addition to a range of government offices, the Municipal Building is the meeting space for the Township Council's public meetings.
In August, the township council approved a four-day work week for most government offices. The new hours for the Municipal Building are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00a.m. - 5:15p.m. and Tuesdays 8:00a.m. - 7:00p.m. Emergency services are not included in the new hours.
The Municipal Building sits next to the Paul A. Volcker Municipal Green, named for Teaneck's first township manager.
Government offices located at the Teaneck Municipal Building include:
Office of Township Manager William Broughton
Town Clerk
Municipal Court
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Public Works
Department of Engineering
Tax Assessor
Township Construction Official
Finance Department
Purchasing Department