Series 7 Exam Tutor is a premier tutoring service based in Pennington, NJ, offering private tutoring and coaching for various licensing exams, including the Series 7, Series 6, Series 24, Series 63, Series 65, and Series 66. With a team of experienced tutors who specialize in FINRA and NASAA licensing exams, Series 7 Exam Tutor aims to help students pass their exams on their first attempt. Led by primary instructor Michael Weiss, CFA, who achieved an impressive score of 94 on his own Series 7 exam, the tutoring sessions focus on comprehension rather than memorization, providing a comprehensive understanding of the exam topics.
Series 7 Exam Tutor also offers assistance with options and suitability, with the owner having extensive experience as a portfolio manager and investment analyst. The tutoring sessions include a combination of teaching from presentations and working on practice problems, ensuring students are well-prepared for the exam. Additionally, Series 7 Exam Tutor emphasizes the importance of suitability and provides over 350 suitability questions to help students master this crucial aspect of the exam. Whether through private online or in-person classes, Series 7 Exam Tutor is dedicated to helping individuals succeed in their licensing exams.
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