Internal medicine practitioners, Ambulance service, Services, nec, nec
Pleasant Plains First Aid
The Pleasant Plains Volunteer First Aid Squad was dispatched to 1094 calls for 2004. We were distpatched to 924 in 2003. These calls are not only in Pleasant Plains but also the surrounding areas. We service the 14 square miles that encompasses Pleasant Plains as our primary area. When needed, we will not only go into other Dover Township squad areas but also into other towns. Because we do not cover many days anymore we typically stay in Dover Township. We usually only go out of Dover Township when there is a large scale incident (bus accident, nursing home evacuation, etc.). For days when we do not have day crews the Dover Township Police Department formed their own EMS. They are called Community Service Officers (CSO's for short). They are EMT's paid by the police department in Police EMS ambulances. They not only handle first aid calls but also help with assisted lifts and some administrative duties which frees a police officer in town. The CSO's station at either police headquarters or a first aid squad that does not have a crew. While we do not have many day crews because most people work during the day, we still cover a few days. We are always looking for members to help out during the day. While we did not want to give days up, we could not jeopardize our community's safety by not providing adequate EMS coverage. We have been updating our building to make it look more appealing to both new members and hall rentals. The roof was in need of repair and replaced by a Timberline roof. JTF (732-581-2388) did the roof and repaired any water damage from leaks and wear. They were very quick and extremely professional. The siding was about 15 years old and replaced with Royal Crest siding. Wilson-Fitzgerald (732-684-1412) did a wonderful job on the siding and gutters for us.