Orchards Hydraulic Service is a wholesale and retail establishment that was formed in 1967, by Jim and Josephine Orchard. Since 1967 it has remained a family owned and operated business. It has grown into one of the largest Weatherhead distributors serving the east coast. We would like you to know some history of the company because here at Orchards we value and respect our customers. Unlike some other distributors, here at Orchards you are the customer and we want you to be satisfied with your products and our services. This is why no customer will ever be turned away empty handed, we will always do our best to fully satisfy your needs. Here at Orchards we know how expensive down time can be. For this reason we carry one of the most extensive inventories on the east coast. We will have it when you need it and that is the bottom line. We carry everything from low pressure nylon tubing to 6 wire hydraulic hose and all the ends and fittings needed to utilize it. We also carry many other hydraulic related products. If you have any problems, questions or comments, please feel free to call us. Our customer service personnel are skilled and extensively trained in problem solving. So remember the next time your hose assembly fails, you we won?t. We will replace it quickly and conveniently, so you don?t miss a minute of profitable production time.