Surgical instruments and apparatus, Screen and storm doors and windows, Dental equipment
Keystone Research and Health
Keystone Industries manufacturers and distributors a range of dental products throughout the world. Its products include abrasives, carbides, chemicals, brushes, crucibles and kiln furniture. The company sells products through a network of dealers and serves the dental laboratory and operatory industries. It offers rotary equipment, diamonds, burs, mounted points and stones, and buffs and polishing wheels. The company sells gels, rinses, mouth guard kits, fluoride trays, appliance storage containers, tongue scrapers, saliva injectors and oral evacuation cleaners. It provides ceramic sculpturing sets, crown holders, carbon inserting trays, heat-sink blocks, metal pins, mixing pallets, porcelain tongs, slant tiles, soft pillows and die lubes. In addition, Keystone Industries offers burners, torches, sheet resins and wax pots.