Helen has traveled the path of a lonely, frustrated entrepreneur. After receiving her certification from iPEC as a Certified Empowerment Coach and ACC from ICF, Helen felt she was the only one that did not find the 'secret' for building a successful business. Through many trials, errors, and countless dollars spent on expensive coaching programs, Helen felt let down because she was not rewarded for her efforts. In the true spirit of entrepreneurism, Helen built her own virtual community that would allow herself and others to express their challenges and receive advice from experienced coaches. With this support the members would immediately put their creativity into action and see positive results in their business and life. Today, Love Yourself Coaching offers four different virtual support communities for coaches and small business owners who want to build a successful business. Love Yourself Coaching environments allow you to grow as an individual and give more as a professional.
Love Yourself Coaching offers four different virtual support communities for coaches and small business owners who want to build a successful business. Love Yourself Coaching environments allow you to grow as an individual and give more as a professional!