The Executive Dog Lounge was born of need: The need for a dog daycare we felt comfortable leaving our 2 kids. My girlfriend (Lisbeth Probus; owner of Glamour Pet Salon) & I have 2 dogs that are part of our family; Bobby: 18 y.o. Std Schnauzer, Trouble: 4 y.o. Schnau-Tzu, They're our children and we want the finest for them. Until now, there was no finest to choose from. 6 years ago we started the idea of a dog daycare that we would feel comfortable leaving our kids at. We dreamed of a place that would be like home for them with couches, a fireplace, and a TV to keep them company. A place where they could play all day while under the supervision of caring, attentive staff. Executive Dog Lounge was created with my heart knowing that if I couldn't spend a day 'here' as a guest, then our kids would never spend a day 'here' as guests. Warm regards, James
Specializing in smaller breeds with 6 dogs per team member and a maximum of 12 dogs, we are able to provide customized, hands-on care for each of our guests. Our lounge is more than just beautiful; it's design and layout offer distractions and defined spaces for the kids that prefer to relax. These distractions help keep dogs occupied and focused whether interacting with team members or simply sleeping. Just like us parents, lots of exercise and plenty of rest reduces stress. Visit us anytime to see just how amazing your dog's experience will be!