Evesham Fire-Rescue is a dedicated team of volunteer and career firefighters and emergency medical personnel serving the community of Evesham Township, NJ. With strategically located fire stations equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and apparatus, they provide quick responses to fire and medical emergencies. Their commitment to training and preparedness ensures the highest quality of fire and emergency medical services for residents and visitors.
Station 221/229, located in the business district of Marlton Village, is the newest addition to the department, housing the latest equipment and training facilities. Station 223/227, situated in the Kings Grant section, operates 24/7 with career personnel, while Station 225/228 in the southern end of the township is staffed by volunteer firefighters and emergency medical personnel. The Fire Administration and Fire Prevention office, located in the Evesham Municipal Building, provides administrative support and handles all fire district business.
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