Carepoint Pharmacy is currently owned by Rao Desu. After completing his education in 1994, he went on to work for Eckerds Drugs for a couple of years. As a gratitude to the community that has given him so much, he purchased Heights Pharmacy (currently Carepoint Pharmacy). His principle lies on directly attending to the pharmacy needs of the customers rather than working at corporate headquarters. He vows to do everything which chain drugstores don't do. With over 22 years of experience in the pharmacy industry and his high standards of professionalism, he understands the importance of exceptional patient care and maximum customer satisfaction. Starting from August 1, 2017 onwards, Carepoint Pharmacy is effectively our name but still under the same management. We were known as Heights Pharmacy in the past 50 years or so. Rao Desu wants to keep all the names of other pharmacies he owns under one name, and that is Carepoint.