Boca Bowls is a family owned business opened on March 23, 2018! Boca bowls is passionate about a delicious healthy lifestyle. Our menu contains suggested options but in addition Boca Bowls is about building your own smoothies, poke, acai, pitaya, green and coconut bowls. Finally, Boca Bowls collaborated with an award winning coffee roaster to make a special blend of hot and cold brew coffee. So be sure to ask for a taste of our rapidly growing popular cold brew coffee!
Opened 03/23/18! Build your own Smoothies, Acai, Poke, Pitaya, Coconut and Green Bowls. Grab and Go or hangout in our trendy relaxing environment. Be sure to try our rapidly growing popular cold brew coffee! Healthy fast food. Acai, Smoothies, Poke, and Soup. All in a big bowl.