One of the four public elementary schools in Lawrence Township, Ben Franklin Elementary School is located on Princeton Pike between Franklin Corner Road and Pineknoll Drive. The school educates students from pre-kindergarten through third grade.
Detailed information and statistics about Ben Franklin School from the most recently available year can be found by visiting the New Jersey Department of Education's School Report Card database. The database is searchable by county, school district and type of school.
Among the information available in the School Report Card is a school-specific introduction provided by the principal with details outlining the different teaching methods used, as well as the programs and services that are offered to students at Ben Franklin.
The report card also includes statistics about such things as Ben Franklin's student enrollment by grade, student attendance rates, average class size, students' proficiency in language arts and math, student suspensions and expulsions, student-to-faculty ratios, faculty attendance and faculty credentials.
Ben Franklin's mascot is Amos the Mouse, and the school's colors are blue and white.
Upon graduating from Ben Franklin, students attend Lawrence Intermediate School for grades four through six.