Specialized Chiropractic Care by Dr. Tony Jensen Welcome to Achieving Excellence through Chiropractic Care, a local family owned and operated chiropractic office focused on their patient health and wellness. Dr. Tony Jensen truly cares about all his patients, treating each patient as a whole person. Dr. Jensen can help adults, children, infants and geriatric patients with: * Auto Injuries * Sports Injuries * Ongoing Pain Issues * Headaches Achieving Excellence through Chiropractic Care's main focus is the neck, back and spine. Dr. Jensen feels his calling is to make people feel better as a whole;, because of this he can also help patients with pain or discomfort in the shoulder, rib, elbow, wrist, hand, knee, ankle, foot, jaw and tmj. His chiropractic office also offers many other services including: * Chiropractic Care * X-ray's Onsite * Massage Therapy * Physical Therapy, including ultrasound and home exercises * Applied Kinesiology * Emotional Code Testing * Nutritional Testing * Essential Oils * Orthotics * Durable Medical Goods, including pillows and therapeutic exercises