The RAW story begins with an experienced organic product design team in the remote valley location of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Shawn Simleness was the top salesman for this innovative Dead Sea Minerals skin care manufacturing company where Troy Barile was a product formulator for an organic mineral makeup company. They'd been working together for years and had tucked away many unique formulas waiting for the right time to share them with the world. The two share a very passionate view on the benefits of living a healthy and balanced life from the inside out. Both raised in health-conscious families they grew up with parents who created their own home remedies for just about everything. It was fate that these two creative entrepreneurs met to make a product line that shares the same beliefs that they themselves do - beautiful glowing skin without the compromise.
The RAW story begins with an experienced organic product design team in the remote valley location of Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Shawn Simleness was the top salesman for this innovative Dead Sea Minerals skin care manufacturing company where Troy Barile was a product formulator for an organic mineral makeup company. They'd been working together for years and had tucked away many unique formulas waiting for the right time to share them with the world. The two share a very passionate view on the benefits of living a healthy and balanced life from the inside out. Both raised in health-conscious families they grew up with parents who created their own home remedies for just about everything. It was fate that these two creative entrepreneurs met to make a product line that shares the same beliefs that they themselves do - beautiful glowing skin without the compromise.