Even from its small beginnings as a living room sale back in 1997, local Tulsa, Oklahoma families brought items to sell while other families shopped to purchase items they needed. Since then, the economy has brought challenges which have left some struggling to make ends meet. We hear story after story about how Just Between Friends has helped make that happen--giving families a way to provide quality items at bargain prices for their kids. And while some families sell items to have money for extras, for others, JBF can make the difference in being able to cover their bills.
Just Between Friends helps local families save and make money. By consigning the children, infant and maternity items they no longer use, they can earn money, while being able to shop for items they do need at 50 to 90% off retail prices. Helps our community by getting families what they need and our local environment by keeping unused items out of landfills. All items that consignors do not want after the sale are donated to Casa de Vida and all admission fees are donated to The Women and Children's Center of the Sierra.