Interluxe offers an extensive selection of the world's finest cigars and tobacco. In addition to the traditional cigar lighters and cutters, Luxe offers an eclectic collection of unique accessories and gifts which complement style and good taste. Italian designed watches and bracelets, edgy silver jewelry, elegant leather goods, writing instruments, travel retail exclusive products and more.
Specializing in terrific cigars from Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, Arturo Fuente and many more. Luxury accessories available from S. T. Dupont, Dalvey, Speedometer, King Baby, Noro and Ballast. We also feature a wide selection of vaping devices and juices, plus international favorites such as flavored Prime Time Little Cigars, Copenhagen and Skoal chew and Njoy Daily disposable cigarettes. Don't miss our extensive selection of Ferrari watches, clothing and accessories!