CyBr Construction is an HVAC contractor that specializes in all your electrical, plumbing, cooling and heating needs and serves residential and commercial customers throughout the greater Las Vegas, NV, metro area. Our professional technicians can assist in designing an efficient air conditioning and heating system unique to your needs.
Your Efficiency Experts. CyBr Construction is an HVAC contractor that specializes in all your cooling and heating needs and serves residential and commercial customers throughout the greater Las Vegas, NV, metro area. Our professional technicians can assist in designing an efficient air conditioning and heating system unique to your needs. We can also perform routine maintenance or replace any unit. We also specialize in other areas such as electrical and plumbing. Our capabilities include: * Air conditioning units * Heaters * Central AC * Swamp coolers * Refrigeration * Water heaters For more than 15 years, our staff members have been providing comfort to all of Las Vegas' homes and businesses. We are also licensed for all your mobile home needs. We believe in building a high level of confidence through our relationship with all of our clients. You can trust that we will always serve you promptly and efficiently in a professional manner. Call CyBr Construction today or visit our website now for more information! Lic #: 57873, 71759, 71896, 74817, 59152, MHD: A0077 / B0705