Together, BJ Wheeler and Barbara Ellis, operate The Quest - Connections in Mind and Body. In 2000, they joined their massage and psychotherapy offices together with the philosophy that the mind and body are interconnected. This provided the opportunity for clients to utilize either service, or combine aspects of both to reach their goals.
Thank you for visiting The Quest - Connections in Mind and Body online! I am Dr. BJ Wheeler, co-founder and licensed psychologist in Lincoln, NE. With over fifteen years of experience as a psychotherapist, I provide personalized treatment for each of my clients using client-centered techniques that focus on individual concerns and goals. Whatever situation is affecting you, preventing you from success or happiness, together we can develop a custom-made plan tailored to your specific needs. Whether it is fear or anxiety, grief or depression, troublesome behaviors, or relationship issues, I believe I can assist you in finding relief. mental health counseling hypnotherapy neurofeedback therapeutic massage