Chiropractic is the most popular natural, drug-free healthcare system in the world. Doctors of chiropractic see the human body as an integrated whole and not as separate systems working independently within the body. The goal of chiropractic is to correct spinal misalignments called subluxations. These subluxations are often painless spinal stress areas that can affect organs, muscles, nerves, discs, posture and health in general. Simply put, acupuncture is a health science, which is used to successfully treat both pain and dysfunction in the body. Early Chinese physicians discovered there is an energy network running just below the surface of the skin which communicates from the exterior to the internal organs and structures at over 1,000 acupoints on the body. This energy works in harmony with the bodys circulatory, nervous, muscular, digestive, genitourinary and all other systems of the body