Great Harvest got it's start with a young couple selling bread at a roadside stand back in Connecticut. Now with more than 200 bakeries across America and nearly $100 million in bread products sold...find out how the Great Falls Bakery became The Original in the Great Harvest franchise of today. It's a story that will change your view of bread in America. Visit our website at www.greatharvestgreatfalls.com for the complete story.
Check out our mill room: Ever wonder what makes our bread so different? We grind Montana wheat into flour everyday in our mill room for the most phenomenal tasting whole grain breads. It's the little things that make a difference: We take pride in the fact that every loaf of our bread is hand-kneaded! Want to watch us craft your loaf? Stop in the bakery between 8:00 and 10:00 for the show. Our breads make a great sandwich and between 10am-2pm each day that's exactly what we do, so stop on in for Lunch and a Free slice of bread off our bread board. See you down at the bakery