With a long history of providing 5 star taxi service to the St. Louis region, the third generation is continuing that commitment. With a dedication to providing the best customer experience, we have adopted innovative technologies to improve your ride. Computer dispatch, GPS tracking, in-vehicle credit card processing, automated ordering and our extremely popular smartphone app - St. Louis Taxi. Click to order, track and pay. We take great pride in our professional drivers that strive to exceed expectations every day. They truly love what they do. Our 24/7/365 customer care center is always a phone call away to help with your cab ordering needs. With a diverse fleet of over 260 vehicles that are professionally maintained by our 8 bay garage, we feel confident that your experience will be like no cab service you have ever used.
St. Louis County & Yellow Cab is committed to going the extra mile for our passengers, team, and community. Established in 1935, we've evolved to incorporate new technology that rival even the most cutting-edge transportation services. From our drivers to our dispatchers, we're