With over 12 years experience in the housekeeping field and 5 years experience in lawn care, we are bringing our eye to detail to homes and businesses across the St. Louis Metropolitan area. We understand how hard it is to balance work, family and life without even thinking about the upkeep of a home. It is hard to have a happy life without a happy home. Let us help you achieve this goal by giving you the down time you need. Our professional approach to your home, both inside and out, will be noticeable after the first appointment. Let us bring our personal touch to your home or business today. We look forward to helping your family achieve the balance it deserves by letting us do the grueling tasks that you don't have time to do. In addition to residential house cleaning, we offer commercial office cleaning, post construction cleaning and lawn care services.
Residential and commercial cleaning services. Including recurring, one time and deep cleanings. Lawn care services, including scheduled maintenance, leaf removal and mulch application.