Aine began teaching from her home-based Piano Studio in September, 1979. Through the years, Aine has maintained studios in several cities in which she has lived, including Lee's Summit, MO, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and New York, NY. Home in Kansas City to stay, the studio is becoming an active, fun, and highly respected musical and educational resource. Through professional affiliations, this studio has always been active with many opportunities for children to play, share, and compete, should they choose to.
The Aine Wendler Piano Studio provides quality, comprehensive piano lessons given by Aine Wendler, an independent music/piano teacher with over 30 years experience. We currently have students ranging from 3 to 18 years old, at all levels - beginners through advanced. We are proud to offer a program specially designed for pre-school children starting at 3 years of age.