Coxwell & Associates
The law firm of Coxwell & Associates focuses its time, energy, and experience in the areas of serious injury cases and criminal defense. Frank Coxwell is the only member who handles bankruptcy and other consumer issues. The attorneys in the law firm are completely dedicated to the practice of law as a profession/career and not as a job or business. The attorneys have been successful in a wide variety of serious injury cases. They have won verdicts or settlements for $144 million, $120 million, $20.4 million, $7.1 million, $2.3 million, $2.1 million, $1.6 million, $1.5 million, $1.2 million, $1 million, $1 million, $1 million, $875,000.00, $500,000.00, $352,000.00, plus many others.