My name is Linda Fliss and I am the owner of Twin Cities Life Coaching. I completed my Masters Degree from University of Northern Iowa and obtained a specialized certificate in Marriage and Family Therapy from St. Mary's University. For the past 6 years, I have worked as a therapist focusing on marriage counseling and trauma recovery. I decided to change to Life Coaching in 2012 and began the transition process at that time.
Twin Cities Life Coaching is passionate about self-care. If we don't take care of ourselves first, how do we expect to care well for others in our lives? Think of the oxygen mask in an airplane. The instructions given to you before taking flight insist that if there is a change in cabin pressure, we are to put on our own mask BEFORE we assist others with theirs. Our hectic, over-scheduled, over-worked lives push us to meet everyone else's needs and deadlines before our own. We have it backwards and need to take an airplane oxygen mask approach instead. Take care of yourself first, and the rest will follow. That is what Twin Cities Life Coaching is passionate about. It's time to take care of YOU!