Massage parlor
Mend Therapy
HistoryI've held private practices in three cities and two states before settling down to my beautiful office in an old mansion just south of Loring Park in Minneapolis. I currently see clients there three days a week.SpecialtiesI am a Certified Advanced Rolfer with more than 10 years experience specializing in helping people suffering from chronic pain find greater ease in their bodies, better understanding of their symptoms and a legitimate reason for hope. My keen interest in this work and my desire to most effectively offer support to my clients led me to pursue the highest degrees in my field as an Advanced Rolfer, Rolf Movement Practitioner and Board Certified Structural Integrator. Beyond those qualifications I have gone on to advanced study in Somatic Experiencing (SE is a form of body-based trauma therapy), visceral, nerve and osteopathic techniques, Cranial-Sacral therapy and energy work. I combine these elements into a variety of offerings that include elements of talk therapy, movement education and hands-on bodywork. I am committed to serving people of all ages, sizes, orientations, beliefs, socio-economic backgrounds, political leanings, and identities.