Kyoshin Ryu Karate Academy is a renowned martial arts school located in North Branch, MN. With a focus on authentic Japanese Karate, they offer a comprehensive training program that combines physical, mental, and spiritual elements. Their classes cater to both children and adults, providing life-changing benefits such as self-image, self-confidence, self-discipline, and self-control. In addition to karate, they also offer other programs like yoga and self-defense courses, ensuring a well-rounded experience for their students.
With a commitment to safety, Kyoshin Ryu Karate Academy also provides the SafeChild Anti-abduction Program for Children, aiming to equip parents and children with the necessary skills and knowledge to prevent and handle potential abduction situations. Led by experienced instructors, their classes are designed to simulate real-life scenarios, empowering individuals with practical self-defense techniques. Conveniently located in downtown Forest Lake, they serve various surrounding areas, including Wyoming, Columbus, Chisago City, and more.
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