Defensive Fitness was the name of the fitness class at Sealed Mindset (self-defense studio). I got hired there to run their fitness class soon after finishing my masters degree at the University of Minnesota. I had developed a comprehensive strength and conditioning program for self-defense as my capstone project for my degree. I started implementing my program to improve the health, physical performance, and self-defense skills of the members there for over a year yielding results that were beyond my expectations. Sealed Mindset unfortunately went out of business and I started up my own fitness studio which continued the mission of my program. I have expanded my program to not only serve my members face to face but also digitally. This allows me to train people in other states and countries who also would like to do my programs. The future of Defensive Fitness is unknown but the benefits my members have gained are like none that I have ever seen in the industry so far.
Individualized Fitness Programs for Functional Health and Performance Self-Defense Training Injury Prevention Injury Rehabilitation Nutrition Programs