West Michigan CDL is the leading truck driver training school in the Midwest, offering a comprehensive 3-week course and custom training options. With state-of-the-art facilities, experienced instructors, and a curriculum recommended by major carriers, they provide professional and expert training to prepare students for a successful career in truck driving. Thousands of individuals have had their lives changed by West Michigan CDL, and their commitment to personalized instruction ensures that students receive the necessary skills for a rewarding future in the industry. As a registered training provider, West Michigan CDL meets the Behind-the-Wheel training requirements set by the FMCSA. Their programs offer hands-on experience and convenient online theory instruction, making it easy for students to complete the necessary training. With the new Federal Entry Level Driver Training (ELDT) regulations in effect, West Michigan CDL ensures that aspiring commercial motor vehicle operators receive the minimum training requirements for obtaining a Class A or Class B commercial driver's license. The friendly environment and supportive staff make the learning experience enjoyable and effective for all students.
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