MailMax is a publication of Far Ahead Advertising, Inc. Far Ahead Advertising was founded by Doug Farrell and Glen Head in 1989. Far Ahead Advertising began publishing Blue Book, a full-color vehicle shopper featuring the auto dealers of Southwest Michigan. MailMax began as a monthly publication and quickly grew into a weekly publication. Independent readership studies show that more people are reading MailMax than the local daily paper. The combination of saturation mailing (reaching virtually every home) and local upbeat content, is driving yearly increases. Far Ahead Advertising also publishes AtHome, a local full-color tabloid featuring Realtors of Southwest Michigan.
MailMax is a weekly direct mail publication covering 35,433 homes along the coast of Lake Michigan from Coloma down to Sawyer. It features good news and good deals. MailMax has more local business advertising each week than any other media in Southwest Michigan. Local business owners know how they and their neighbors love MailMax and anticipate its arrival each week. Weekly columns by Pat Moody, Glenda Head, and Don Stuart have formed a loyal readership. Local pastors contribute articles along with the Southwest Michigan Tourist Council and the Michigan State Police. MailMax offers display advertising with full color, classified line ads, and inserts.