Services, nec, nec, Home improvement and renovation contractor agency, Awning repair shop
Grunwell Cashero Co
Established in 1953, Grunwell Cashero specializes in building restoration, rehabilitation and preventive maintenance of the structural integrity and architectural esthetics of all types of structures. Based in Cleveland, Ohio, the company offers services, including office buildings, historic preservation, masonry restoration, fa ade inspections, concrete/parking garage restoration, waterproofing/coatings/injections, new stone work and general contracting. The completed projects and client lists include Canterbury Golf Club, Detroit Club, Edsel and Eleanor Ford House, Henry Ford Health Center, Northern Michigan Regional Hospital and Spectrum Health, Ecumenical Theological Seminary, First Presbyterian Church, Detroit Opera House, Bagley Fountain/Cadillac Square Park, Jefferson County Courthouse and Elyria Water Treatment Plant. Grunwell Cashero has affiliations with companies, such as National Trust for Historic Preservation, Association for Preservation Technology, Construction Association of Michigan, etc.