C It In Print
HistoryAt the age of 23, I Caterra Bradley decided to open up C It In Print LLC. It all started in the summer of 2019. I needed a shirt to represent my bicycle club, so I went to a t-shirt shop in Fairlane Mall. One T-shirt was $55, and the t-shirt wasn't included. I felt the price was a little outrageous, but who was I to tell someone to lower their prices. I then decided that I wanted to provide that same service plus more but in a more reasonable price range. In the beginning I didn't know how successful I would be, so I didn't jump to make it an official business. I was still working my normal 9 to 5 and did t-shirts on the side. It wasn't until March of 2020 when the Coronavirus Pandemic hit, and I was laid off from my 9 to 5. That was the perfect opportunity for me to see what I could really do with C It In Print. With that being said, C It In Print LLC was officially established by the Sate of Michigan March 19th 2020, and I will remain in business until the end of time!SpecialtiesC It In Print LLC is a Black owned business