Dr. Button practices a Chinese medicine known as Five-Element Acupuncture. This wholistic approach to healing treats the body and can strengthen our bodies while strengthening our spirits and return us to our natural state of well-being. Five-Element acupuncture is based on the Chinese philosophy that all of life can be divided into five elements: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. Each element exists both within us and in the world around us. Fire is associated with summer and in the joy, love and fun that comes with our connections to people. It helps us sort out what is right for us. Earth is associated with late summer when the reap the harvest of our work and feel the security of the being well-cared for. Mental is associated with autumn, when nature lets go of the old and makes room for the new. Just like old leaves on a tree, we need an exchange of letting go and taking in. Water is associated with winter when nature appears to stop, life exists beneath the surface where there are deep reserves that spring will draw upon. Wood is associated with spring when there is a tremendous drive and growth and all of nature surges forth. This growth requires direction, planning and decision-making. An acupuncturist that uses the five elements for diagnosis and treatment can address ailments, including pain, depression, and anxiety, among many others, that keep you from living life to the fullest.