After the Birth of my First daughter, my eyes were opened to the birth world and all the different options women have and don't know about. I thought there was one way. I was interested in becoming a doula and then I found out I was pregnant. I immediately hired a doula and never turned back. Becoming a doula and placenta encapsulation specialist has become my passion. I am educating and supporting families as the become parents and letting them know that they have a voice and can make informed decisions.
I am a Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist. I am devoted to you and your birth experience. I will educate you throughout your pregnancy to give you the confidence you need to advocate for yourself and provide emotional and comfort measures (massage, acupressure, aromatherapy, Rebozo, etc.) to support you and your partner. Every women deserves to birth where and however she wants to and I am here to support your decision whatever that might be. New families need so much support in those early weeks and months. I am here as a postpartum doula to help with education, postpartum healing, newborn support, bonding, feeding support & light household duties. I offer Placenta Encapsulation, Reiki, V-steams, Belly Binding and Blessingway planning. Placenta Encapsulation is believed to contain many benefits, such as; Decrease in baby blues and postpartum depression, Increase and enrich breast milk, Increase in energy, Decrease in postpartum bleeding, Decrease iron deficiency, Decrease insomnia or sleep disorders.