Serving all 351 cities and towns in the state, the Massachusetts Cultural Council promotes all things related to the arts, sciences and humanities. The state agency works with 2,400 volunteers, grant organizations, nonprofits, schools, city and town officials and individuals to support everything from new hotels and restaurants, community festivals, educational field trips, local artists and creative jobs. A large portion of its funding goes to other cultural councils in the state.
Two important initiatives are the Artists' Fellowship Program, which awards grants to local artists to help them further develop their talents and The Adams Arts Program, which fosters economic development through arts and culture. It's provided funding for organizations and events like ArtsUnion in Union Square in Somerville, the Boston Cyberarts Festival and the Cambridge Science Festival.
The Massachusetts Cultural Council also has a strong focus on children. The Yellow School Bus program helps schools cover transportation costs for educational field trips to places like museums, historic sites and theater performances. And Youth Reach uses art to help support at-risk adolescents.