Kimberly Curtis, owner of K Curtis Massage started Her own massage therapy business right out of massage therapy school In 2011. She attended New Hampshire Institute For Therapeutic Arts. It was an excellent massage school. She received a good majority of her training by a instructor who has a PhD In Physical Therapy so she learned a lot of key rehabilitation massage techniques and analysis of movement and posture. Her instructors were all veterans in the industry. Kimberly Curtis recently moved to Shrewsbury, MA from Nashua, NH; where she had her own massage therapy business. She currently offers massage at business and home locations. She Specializes in Deep Tissue Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, Sports Massage, Rehabilitation massage Techniques.
Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, Swedish/Relaxation, Craniosacral Therapy and Pregnancy Massage. Kimberly finds joy in helping her customers rehabilitate and have healthier lives.