Since 2006, Coach Ed McDonough has been empowering and inspiring others to personally evolve, find greater balance and create abundance in all areas of their lives. As America's Life Balance Expert, his mission is to empower people to raise the quality of their life through knowledge, awareness and simple action so they may experience joyful living at its finest. Coach Ed embraces a whole person approach. He encourages his clients to honor the connection between mind, body, and spirit, and helps them to energetically align, clear blockages, and create balance in all areas of their life. He guides his clients to live life with purpose because he knows when one lives authentically, one finds clear direction and will experience effortlessness as they move towards obtaining their goals, dreams and desires.
We work with people all over the country to show them how to solve their problems, end struggle, accelerate success, obtain fulfillment, find greater happiness and achieve balance in all areas of their life.