Trimalchio-Fatt Films is a Baltimore-based video production company that offers a comprehensive range of services, from pre-production to post-production. With a team of award-winning directors, cinematographers, writers, and editors, they utilize industry-leading cinematic camera equipment, including RED Digital Cinema Cameras, to deliver high-quality videos. Whether you have a big or small budget, Trimalchio-Fatt Films is dedicated to bringing your vision to life.
With a state-of-the-art studio and cutting-edge technology, Think Global Media, the parent company of Trimalchio-Fatt Films, ensures that your video production needs are met. Their post-production team specializes in leading software such as Adobe CC Ae After Effects, Pr Premiere Pro Ps Photoshop, guaranteeing that your project is edited to perfection. As video media continues to grow, Trimalchio-Fatt Films stays at the forefront of the industry, providing top-notch services for all your video production requirements.
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