Established in 2011 after I failed to failed to find an adequate daycare for my little girl. Most of the daycare facilities were badly lacking of natural light, had a stale smell and the daycare providers looked miserable and had no business dealing with kids. I decided to open a daycare that moms like me would love to bring their kids.
The Village Family Child Care is a state licensed family child care center serving Clarksburg and the surrounding areas. We offer a nurturing, educational program for infants to school aged children. Our goal is to provide high quality child care by creating a safe, healthy, and caring environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of your child, and responding to the needs of your family. We partner with parents; working together to help our children grow happy, healthy, and strong and building a relationship of mutual trust and respect. We believe that each child is a unique and special individual who has the right to safe, stimulating, and educational child care regardless of race, gender, color, religion, ability, economic background, national origin, or ancestry. We know how hard it is to leave your child in the care of another, but please rest assured that your child will be cherished and kept safe while you are away.