Supreme Sports Performance and Training provides strength and conditioning for dedicated athletes wanting to push their bodies to success. This concept is based on time-tested ideas with proven scientific principles that strip away the nonessentials that interfere with progress. This creates an atmosphere of trust and hard work.
SSPT believes the work of an athlete is achieved in a training facility and not a gym. It is in a facility where training involves a focused and systematic approach to reach a specific goal. Furthermore, this is done in an environment without mirrors and other distractions that offer an illusion of space without any benefit.
Also, only SSPT offers a Paramount Assist Dip/Chin for those not yet strong enough to perform bodyweight dips and pull-ups and a Free Motion Dual Cable Cross, which is valuable for a select number of specialized moves. Real training requires free weights and hard work to improve performance and balance.
When weather permits, SSPT opens the gym doors so their athletes are in a natural environment without human comforts.
Individual Memberships:
One day: $10; one week: $25; one month: $75; two months: $140; three months: $200; one year: $60 per month, plus a $49 initiation fee