Pine Forest Camp, established in 1931 by Hughie and Selma Black, is a renowned summer camp for boys and girls located in North Potomac, MD. With a century-long legacy, Pine Forest Camp aims to create a nurturing environment where every camper feels valued, happy, and successful. Situated just 1.5 hours from NYC and 3 hours from Philadelphia, this camp offers a well-rounded program filled with exciting activities, top-notch instruction, and exceptional facilities for campers entering grades 2-11.
Known as "Up Where the Sky Begins," Pine Forest Camp represents a fresh start and endless opportunities for campers, staff, and alumni. With a motto of "Every Child Here is a Winner," this camp strives to make each individual an integral part of their camp story. At Pine Forest Camp, the stars shine brighter, and the people do too, making it a truly exceptional summer experience.
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