We support people who have experienced: A painful or upsetting event recently or in the distant past leading to problems such as acute stress disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (flashbacks, guilt, shame, anger, and sadness). Our treatment usually involves a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) called prolonged exposure (PE) to reduce trauma symptoms, as well as dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) to teach distress tolerance, mindfulness, and emotional regulation. Sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or neglect leading to low self-esteem, problems in relationships, and chronic PTSD. We use schema therapy and DBT to confront core beliefs, teach emotional management skills, and heal implicit memory wounds. - Troublesome anxiety such as OCD, phobias, panic attacks, generalized anxiety disorder, and worry. We use exposure and response prevention (EXRP) to help anxiety sufferers face their fears gradually and DBT for distress tolerance.