Channel Wind Communications provides communications, editorial, and content marketing services to companies and nonprofit organizations. With a focus on message, identity, and brand, Channel Wind helps clients pinpoint the message and information they want their audiences to receive. That expertise allows Channel Wind to both craft the right communications and help organizations understand their identity, brand, and even core business. After working as a professional writer and communicator for 15 years, I started Channel Wind because I love helping organizations find the right words to get their message across, and I saw a big need out there for those kinds of services, from content marketing to reports and identity/brand work. My background in renewable energy, both in marketing communications and public affairs, allowed me to be a part of campaigns in which every word counted. In fact, every word always counts--so choose them wisely. Thanks for viewing my Yelp page!
Fortified by a background in content development, publications, advocacy, public relations and marketing communications, we can help take your organization where it needs to go. With Channel Wind Communications, you get the principal, Carl Levesque, devoting his attention to you, the client. Solid values, outstanding quality, and friendliness drive the company. Some of the message-driven material and services we can provide for you: communications audits, blogs, talking points, communications advice, advocacy & policy materials, reports, media work, releases, feature articles, op-eds and letters to the editor, marketing materials, speeches, event materials such as show dailies, plenary session scripts, publications, and more.