Wildwood Community Acupuncture opened in July of 2012 with the goal of providing Portland locals with affordable acupuncture. The clinic is a quiet, safe space in which multiple recliners are set up in a semi-circle. You simply come to the clinic, sign in with the receptionist, and pay on a sliding scale for your treatment (sliding scale is $20-40). Then you can relax in a recliner for an acupuncture treatment and slip away into a meditative peacefulness. Depending on the time of the day, you may be sharing the treatment space in a group of 3-4 other people who are resting quietly next to you. Since acupuncture works best when used consistently, the community model makes regular treatments an option.
Acupuncture treatments for all, regardless of income. Relieve stress, decrease pain, and sleep better. Our sliding scale allows for regular acupuncture treatments that won't blow a hole in your bank account. The community clinic is a safe, quiet, sanctuary where you can enjoy a moment of peace while your body heals.