The Good Life Center in Harborside, Maine, perpetuates the legacy of Helen and Scott Nearing, advocating for simple and sustainable living skills, social and economic justice, organic gardening, and the non-exploitation of animals. Through its programming and preservation of the historic Forest Farm homestead, the center serves as a model of sustainable living practices, a social justice center, and a gathering place for educational programs, workshops, and volunteer work parties.
Scott and Helen Nearing, pioneers of American socialism and the sustainable living movement, left New York City in 1932 to establish their Vermont homestead, aiming to free themselves from the inequitable capitalist economic structure and make a living through their own labor. They practiced vegetarianism and avoided the use of animal products in their gardens, principles that are still upheld by the resident stewards at the Good Life Center today. The center attracts a diverse range of individuals, including conservatives who admire their work ethic and individualism, as well as liberals, environmentalists, and radicals who see them as revolutionaries and champions of social justice.
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