In 1988, Jean Daum of Manitoba, Canada placed a lunch order at her favorite cafe. She found herself reading the nutritional information on a sugar packet to pass the time before her food arrived. Restaurants should give patrons something quick to read while they wait, Jean thought. And just like that, Coffee News --one of the world's best franchise opportunities and most successful business ideas--was born. In 1995, Coffee News arrived in the United States. Bill Buckley was Jean's very first American franchisee. Bill ran the U.S. franchise headquarters from his hometown of Bangor, Maine, and when Jean passed away in 2007 he acquired the international operations while Jean's daughter, Candice Daum, assumed the leadership of Coffee News Canada. During the 1990s and 2000s, Coffee News expanded around the world and found great success in Australia, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Poland, South Africa and Spain.