All male Spa
Specialtieswere all male body enthuesist.. we do everything male., head to toe bodywork,from massage ,to waxing trims,shaving., any areas needed.,bodyrubs. starting cupping soon / we work on all types of men from body builders ,construction workers, carpenters,drivers,to office workers. it's a home- away from home healthy foods ,wet bar ,4 flat screens for sports ect..members fee's cover foods & drinks personal trainers avalible diebetic knowledge! inner body cleaning from both ends So gain weight muscelmass or lose weight get involved in trips /fishing/camping/leasures/.We have a consult room to prepare men for their procuduers and during any bodywork (optional) must have jock or shorts, that leasure room must have white shirt/pants nylon outfits - we sell these there are products that can be bought - may seek a few investors, Once INFORMED about the full picture. all men are excepted str8 /bi/ gay/ there is a choice to be involved with everyone or small group- alpha's please step up -get info